The ‘mental game’ explored…..

What many people call the ‘mental game’, I prefer to refer to as the ‘x’ factor (for want of a better name). I know, not too creative, but definitely more accurate!

The ‘x’ factor is the experience that prevents us from swinging freely without fear or doubt. It prevents us from playing to our full potential at those times when we most want to.

Is that a good name for it? Probably not, but what’s in a name? Does not a rose by any other name, smell as sweet?

Yes, in one sense there is nothing in a name. However, many experts have successfully illustrated the power of language and how it shapes our thinking and the concepts we construct.

The problem here is that this label (the ‘mental game’) misleads us. It implies that the problem is in the head and so we look for the solution to this ‘problem’ (this label is also a problem!) by focusing on the mind.

When we look at the mind, we become aware of certain thoughts and we feel these thoughts are the cause of the feelings that prevent us from swinging freely without fear or doubt and so we try and change the feelings we are experiencing by changing the thoughts.

Is that true? Have I accurately described, albeit very simply, western psychology?

If anyone has been successful changing their thoughts and feelings simply by willing that change or by raising their awareness of alternative ways of thinking or approaching the game, wonderful. These people need read no more.

An interesting question to ask is, do the thoughts create the feelings or do the feelings exist independent of the thoughts?

If the feelings exist independent of the thoughts, then attempting to change thoughts, even if it were possible, would be of no use.

If the feelings are created by the thoughts then changing our thoughts would cause the feelings to disappear totally.

What is your experience? Is it possible to change thoughts and if you have been able to do that, have the feelings disappeared?

For those of you for whom this methodology has not ‘worked’, my suggestion is to drop that approach and look in another direction.

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