Tip of the week # 10: Relaxed serving

Relaxed Serving 

Club players make greater skill demands on their bodies than do the pros.  The pros make it look easy because, most of them, most of the time, are working with the body and doing simple things simply.  Club players often make simple things difficult and that is where the root of their problems lie.

Many club players could improve their serve instantly without any technical advice, perse and at the same time feel amazingly free for the first time.  This could all happen by simply getting more comfortable before you start your swing.

First look at your stance.  Are you comfortable?  Close your eyes and mimic the throwing motion.  Does your stance allow you to throw without losing balance or feeling awkward?  Does it allow your racket to swing freely across your body?  If not, change your stance so that you can do all these things. 

Secondly.  Where are your hands?  Are they together?  I have found for some reason it is better if the hands are together (touching) before the swing begins.  Also, are the hands high or at waist level or below?  If the hands begin too high, there is a longer distance for them to travel before contact and more chances for things to go wrong.  Where is the racket pointing?  Is it pointing towards the intended target on the deuce court, if so, is that comfortable?  If not, change it!  Put your hands in front of your belly, where they will feel most comfortable.

Finally, where is your weight?  Is it on the front or on the back foot?  Or is it somewhere in-between?   Most players, I have found are more comfortable starting the service motion with their weight on the front foot and then gently rocking back as the swing begins, but there are exceptions to this ‘rule’. 

Before you begin your swing, just make sure you are truly comfortable.  It would be best to get into your starting position and then pause for 3 seconds and silently scan your body for any discomfort.

The trouble is that most people are trying so hard to do something regarding the outcome of the serve that they become disconnected from their bodies.  It is for this reason, perhaps, that so many players rush through their serve.  It is difficult to hold an uncomfortable position for too long. 

By slowing things down and focusing on your body you will find it much easier to connect with your body and therefore notice the discomfort when it exists.

Drop ALL dialogue and just find a comfortable position to begin your serve.

Enjoy the journey………………

happy hitting!



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