Tip of the Week #7: Trust


Most club players are simply uncomfortable on the tennis court while playing.  They have no confidence in their athletic ability and are always trying so hard.  This trying hard translates into tension and this tension leads to poor results.

The truth is that the reason the pros make it look so easy is that they have, to whatever degree, learned to trust the body.  When the body is in control, things are easy.  When the mind is giving instructions as the ball is coming to you, awkwardness and failure has to result.

The desire for control is powerful because it goes to the root of ego and how we feel about ourselves, but the irony is that real control can only come when the desire for control is dropped.

How can we drop the desire for control?  By first bringing our attention to the fact that it exists.  Once we feel it………the journey begins and the awareness takes each individual in a uniquely different direction.

Enjoy the journey………………

happy hitting!



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