Tip of the Week #3: Escape and suppression

Conventional wisdom and logic views all emotional discomfort as negative phenomenon and therefore a problem to be solved as soon as possible.

A solution is deemed to have happened when discomfort disappears and ‘normal’ status quo comfort has resumed.

Is this true?

What if the discomfort keeps returning again and again and every ‘solution’ seems only to bring temporary relief, if that?   Can we call that a solution?

It seems that most so-called solutions are not really solutions, but attempts at suppression or escape.

So what can we do?

If one can see that escape is not a solution; if one can see that suppression is not a solution, there is only one thing to do. Move forward and explore the feelings that are arising in you without judgment and see what that awareness and understanding brings.

Yes, stay in discomfort and make no effort to get out of it!

The discomfort was not something we asked for and any and all effort to move away from it will be suppression or escape. It came by itself and ultimately it will have to go by itself. However, in-between, there can be a journey of discovery that can reveal much to us about ourselves.

Allow this process to happen.

What’s the alternative?

happy hitting!

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