Winter 2011-2012

Dear Friends:

I am getting to the end of a wonderful 4 month long trip.

In October, Maggie and I visited the Costa del Sol in southern Spain.  We met there at Lew Hoad’s campo de tenis in 1983, almost 28 years ago.  We visited with close friends and revisited old haunts and had a wonderful time.  In early November, she decided to return to NY and play grandma, while I chose to go to India for 3 months.

I spent the first month in Delhi helping Vishaal with his Academy aand connecting with many tennis friends, while also finding time to hang with Vish when ever possible……needless to say it was a busy time.

After that I flew to Pune and stayed at the Osho meditation Resort for 7 weeks.  I have been coming here every winter for the past 15 years, but for various reason, I feel this was my best visit ever.  I met many old friends, made new ones and connected on a deeper level with myself.  It feels good and sad at the same time to know that after over 35 years on the spiritual journey, I am still going deeper into myself.

Presently, I am back in Delhi for another week of tennis, visiting friends and family.  On Sunday Feb 5th I will return to NY for some time, but hopefully not too long because there is still a couple of months before I have to be back in NY to start another season of Wholistic Tennis.


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