December 2014, Tip of the month: Finding trust

One of the biggest obstacles to competing fearlessly is the desire for control that arises and increases when most is on the line. We want to be ‘sure’!

The desire to control affects both the timing and rhythm of our swings by impeding the natural flow of an athletic body in sync.

For this to change, we need to trust our body. However, in order to trust we need first to feel vulnerable and uncertain. Obviously, trust cannot happen at those moments when we feel confident and ‘full’ of ourselves.

Consequently, for trust to happen, we need first to recognize and increase feeling awareness of those moments when we feel most lost. Those moments are essential if we are going to give trust a chance to take root in our being.

Those moments of vulnerability and discomfort are not moments to ‘let-go’, move away or escape from, however great the temptation, but instead are a time to really move into what we are feeling and swing away anyway and see what happens.

enjoy the journey……………

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