Tip of the week #9: Hand-eye coordination, not eye-foot


Hand-eye coordination, not eye-foot!

Many players, especially club players, move towards the ball as soon as it is hit to them.  As a result, they either come too close to the ball or too far and players and coaches alike spend much of their time verbalizing that they were too close or too far.  However, recognizing that one was too close or too far cannot and does not help in correcting this situation.  

What does?

First of all, we need to recognize and feel why the feet are moving early.  There is an underlying anxiety that ‘I cannot get to the ball in time’ and so as soon as the ball is hit movement happens. Can we feel this restlessness and anxiety?

Secondly, we need to realize that if movement happens immediately, the body is blind to the ball.  Unless the body sees the ball how can it possible get to the ‘right’ place.  How does the body see the ball?  Through the hands.  So, if our first movement is hands to the side, then the body will ‘find’ the ball and ‘we’ have to do nothing! 

Trust and respect for the body will build when we realize that finding the ball happens without any effort or calculation.

Enjoy the journey………………

happy hitting!



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